Thursday, May 19, 2011

Playing and Wrestling with Dad

Our favorite nightly ritual lately is wrestling Daddy-especially on rainy days like we've been having (too much pent-up energy!!) Cameron has just started to figure out that this is pretty fun, and of course Tiernan thinks it's great to jump as high as he can right on Ethan's back. I tell the boys that daddies are much better at wrestling and then go pour myself a cup of hot cocoa. :) (Yeah, right, like I pour myself a cup of cocoa-I'm smarter than that-I wait until the kids are in bed so I actually get to drink some of it!)

Cameron is really starting to show his personality. He's started to push his brother when Tiernan is trying to get a toy that Cameron has, and will say NO! NO! to him. I think I have many years of fighting ahead of me....

They love playing on the little slide we have outside. Tiernan is WAY too big for it but will still knock Cameron over to try to get to the top first. Cameron has figured out how to climb up and then slide back down on his belly. Hilarious, apparently.

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