Wednesday, July 6, 2011


We spent Tuesday up in the mountains going on our first hike of the season. We didn't realize until we got up there that it was the grand opening of the nature/park area at the bottom of the hiking trails. So we showed up to a party and they would not let us enter w/out putting on name tags. Weird. We were incredibly outsdoorsy looking with our name tags and diaper bag.

Anyway, our first part of the trip the boys got to climb in the nature area-I'm wondering how long the tunnel made of twigs will last after little people try to climb all over it. Nobody asked my opinion though...

Peeking through the "tunnel"

Wait a minute! There's mountains over there!

He is still not quite sure if other kids at the park are scary or fun

Look mom! I climbed on the big log!

Here is the beginning of our adventure-Tiernan loved, loved, loved, climbing. I thought it would take us FOREVER to get to the top since I figured he'd be so distracted by all the rocks and pine cones and flowers and dirt....but he did pretty good (trying to keep up with Daddy helps!)

Cameron loved riding in the hiking backpack-he would giggle and giggle everytime he'd get hit with leaves along the trail

It started to rain, so we had to hurry down the mountain. Tiernan kept asking over and over if we could climb up another mountain.

Who is that big boy? What happened to my tiny little baby?

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