Tuesday, September 23, 2008

When it rains...

When it rains, it pours....and twists, blows, and turns in our case.

Ethan was playing softball last night (Monday) and as he was rounding second base heard a crack in his foot. As some of you recall, last spring the same exact thing happened and he was on crutches and unable to work for 15 weeks. This time, however, it was the other foot. So we went to doctor this afternoon and they x-rayed his foot and surprise, surprise, it is broken! Next Thursday he has to go in for surgery to get a screw put in his foot and will be down (as in, on crutches again) for about 6 weeks. I told him he is officially and permanently retired from softball. :)

I decided that God must be trying to teach us to not ever get too comfortable. We almost laughed (because if we didn't, we'd cry) when they told us what happened. They probably thought we were crazy, and we probably are, with everything going on in our lives. So please keep us in your thoughts and prayers because we have a move, surgery, missed work, and an unfinished house! all in the next couple of weeks.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

One Week Before our Move!

I'm surprised I haven't heard from my sister harrassing me about putting up more pictures yet. So I thought I'd beat her to the punch and put some up first! Tiernan has just started to enjoy his "ADD" chair (or exer-saucer for those who are not twisted.) Although I'm afraid he's going to be too tall for it very soon!
PS We have only one week until we move back into our house. YIKES!! I'm trying not to be concerned that our bathrooms are still not done. Who needs to shower, right?? I'll upload pics after we get carpet in on Monday.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

5 months old!!

I couldn't resist putting up some recent close ups of Tiernan. He keeps trying so hard to sit up but still topples forward and then yells if I don't catch him and his face falls into the carpet.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Labor Day Weekend

This weekend we visited the Colorado Springs area. We were able to eat lunch with Dale, Vera, and Lauren. Then we headed up to the Royal Gorge. Here is the view from the side.

Next we took the cog railroad up to the top of Pike's Peak. It was so cold and windy but BEAUTIFUL. Notice Tiernan is all bundled up (and asleep!)

On the tram in the Royal Gorge.