Monday, October 29, 2012

Visiting the Farm and Pumpkin Patch

The boys were so excited one Saturday in October to visit the Cozzens' farm.  We had hoped that they would get to ride with Grandpa while he was harvesting beets, but of course the one day the whole month it happened to downpour was the same weekend we visited.  The boys still had a great time sitting in all the equipment and Daddy even took them for a spin around the yard in one of the tractors. Good thing they are young and easily entertained!
An old and new tractor....

Tiernan is so brave and will climb right up the ladder into the cab of the combine.  I was terrified he'd break something since he loves pushing buttons and is SO curious about what all the knobs and levers do.  Good thing his Grandpa loves him!

The following pictures are of our annual trip to Tigges farm near Windsor to hunt for pumpkins.  As usual the boys were probably more interested in sitting in all the old farm equipment than the pumpkins, but all the boys humor me by acting interested in Halloween tradition.
Zane got to ride in the wagon with the big boys while Jaxson rode in the Baby Bjorn.

Tiernan was such a good helper and so proud to be able to pick up the pumpkins and load them into the wagon.  Not to be outdone, Cameron also wanted in on the action....

All my boys!  I am a blessed mama!

He couldn't handle it for long, and had to pull the wagon himself.  Well, that, and the pumpkins took over the seating area in the wagon.

I couldn't choose between these two pictures of Cameron and his daddy.

We had to take turns on all the fun things to sit on.


Wednesday, October 24, 2012

October so far....

Just some random pictures of my boys so far this month....
Zane loves the Bumbo.  He'll sit happily while I'm cooking dinner or doing dishes, just watching the world go by.

He also loves his jumper, as you can see. 

Jaxson is not so sure about it yet.  I think part of it is because he's still pretty small, and just falls over because his body doesn't quite fill out the seat.

Eating sweet potatoes

Can you tell how orangey the bib and hands are?  I should just strip him down each time he eats!

The big boys love climbing the sumac tree in the corner of our yard. Alternatively, they call it the jungle or an airplane (?) where we hunt animals or fly places-usually the farm.  I always request to go to the beach, but my vote is usually denied in favor of visiting tractors and combines. 

Eating popsicles in the backyard.  Our last time for the season I'm guessing.

September 2012

Okay, so I'm bit behind posting pictures.  I think I'm just dreaming of wearing shorts outside since it's currently snowing.  Yes, I know I was complaining about the heat just a few weeks ago.  I'm fickle like that. 
I know I've said this three million times, but when did my tiny baby become a BOY??
Enjoying the great outdoors.  I am only brave enough to go in our backyard by myself!
The twins' first bites of rice cereal.  My finicky eater Jaxson (he randomly refuses a bottle) has been an AMAZING eater of baby food.  Weird, I know.  He gobbles food right up and will screech and yell if we don't feed him fast enough.  Zane is SOOOO messy. He puts his hands and arms in his mouth right after we sneak food in and then it runs all over his face, down his arms, gets smeared in his hair....We decided he is just destined to be a stinky kid since he is our barfer/spit-up boy too.  What a mess! 
It have also fit the stereotype of a veteran mom that I never thought I'd do.  With Tiernan his eating was very scheduled; I introduced foods in the correct "order" (vegetables first, then fruits, etc. etc.) I was also super anal and eventually fed fruits for b-fast, veggies for lunch, and meat/veggies for dinner.  With Cameron I was more relaxed, and with the twins they are lucky to get fed baby food at all!  I've been trying to get more serious about feeding them, but oh my goodness it is so much work and as I said before SOOO messy.  And it never fails that the other two boys always need more milk, more food, or spilled either of those all over the floor and need help cleaning up.  I'm hoping things get a little easier as they begin to self feed! 
During one of our many bikes rides around our neighborhood.  Don't they look so cute in their over and under sized helmets?
Jaxson and Daddy
Zane right after a bath-love those baby towels with the hoods!
I love my feet!
Happy boys!
I wish you could see my exhausted face-
My little CSU rams at the park

Twins' Dedication (a little belated)

The babies were dedicated on June 16, 2012.  I'm just now getting pictures from my mom, since I forgot to bring my own camera along.  Hey, it was just a miracle to get all six of us out the door at 8:15 on a Sunday morning when the babies were just two months old! 

I love that Jaxson is passed out and Zane is not happy at all!

They brought all the families on stage so that the pastors' could pray for each family and babies individually.  The big boys spent most of that time asking to be picked up, and Jaxson spent most of the time squealing at the top of his lungs.  Good times!

We feel so blessed to be surrounded by an amazing church family who will support and love us through this challenging time of life! 

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Family Pictures

About a month ago we had family pictures taken at our house.  How hard is it to coordinate four little people's schedules?  There are no words....
You will notice we only have a few with the twins together because it seems like one or both of them were unhappy for most of the shots. 
Zane has the little curl on top, and Jaxson has the tiny tuft of hair in front.