Sunday, December 14, 2014

Cozzens Family Pictures

We took pictures out at the farm this year.  It was frickin' freezing outside, and Zane was crabby pants, so I'm impressed we got as many good ones as we did.  

A Little Pre-Christmas festivities

So, like I said before, Christmas is my absolute favorite time of year.  And it's even better this year because the boys are SOOOOO excited.  We had such a fun time putting up all the ornaments, lights, and decorations (aka, stockings, nativity, and one random Christmas tree hanging my sister made us last year.)  We've been loving the parades, parties, and general fun busy-ness this time of year brings!

Guess who finally started sitting all by himself?  What a a cutie!

Tiernan's Christmas production for school this year was the Nutcracker.  He did such a great job!  We were a little afraid he would have a panic attack and wouldn't go up there, as he's prone to do.  But, in the end he was excited and I was so impressed by all the cute 1st graders!

Tiernan was an "Arabian dancer"

Jaxson cracks us up because he ALWAYS has to be touching someone.  Even in the car, apparently, because he fell asleep with his arm in Holden's carseat.  Don't worry, I wasn't driving when I took this!

My Half Decorated Tree

I absolutely love this time of year!  The lights, the music, the decor...and now I have four small boys who are so excited they can't even stand it!  I have especially been loving the pictures all over Facebook of all the beautiful Christmas trees that people have put up.  We decorated ours this past weekend.  We had broken ornaments and needles all over the floor.  Did you notice anything?  The ornaments only go about two thirds of the way up (when did my biggest boy get that tall?), there are branches with about five ornaments on them, the lights are askew...the list goes on and on.  It is far from perfect.  And I am in love with it.  The tiny hands that helped me decorate the tree did so out of innocence and cheer.    It really got me thinking....we spend a lot of time as parents "parenting".  We ask ourselves how to best shape and mold these little people to eventually be good citizens, and in my case, lovers of God.  As I looked at our far from perfect Christmas tree, resisting my strong "type A" urges to fix and fix and fix some more-I recognized how God is trying to shape ME through having children.  Through my kids I'm SLOWLY learning to be more patient, kind, helpful, and selfless.  And in this instance, less controlling of a situation that really doesn't matter.  Who cares if we have the most beautiful tree?  It's beautiful to my boys, and therefore beautiful to me.

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Thanksgiving in Grand Junction

This year we spent Thanksgiving in Grand Junction with my extended family.  My mom and dad had a house full of crazy.  Thanksgiving day we had 12 kids under the age of 11 (all but two kids under 6!) and 9 adults. I was so happy that my brother and his family were able to come at the same time as us-we don't get to see them very often since they live in NM.  What a fun and wild ride!

We also visited the Nature Center in Fruita while we were there.  The people were so friendly and answered all our questions about the animals.
Tiernan and Cameron were checking out the sting rays in this tank.  

Jaxson started freaking out when we came to the python cages.  I don't blame him!  But then we realized he was actually afraid of a fake flower they had in there.  Giant snakes, okay.  Huge fake flowers, terrifying.  Weirdo.

They liked looking at the turtle who loved to swim by and say hi.

Tiernan got to feed an iguana.  So fun!

The boys all put on goggles that were supposed to replicate what bugs can see.  What silly boys!

Jacob was so sweet to his younger cousins.  I'm sure it's not easy being the oldest one!

While his cousins were cleaning out the guinea pig cage, Cameron got to hold "Oreo."  He was so proud and I was impressed that she held so still.  I am still answering questions about why we can't have a pet at our house.  Are you freaking kidding me?

Oh my gosh, I LOVE this picture of Ethan and the twins passed out.  It's funny that the kids both have their opposite arms sprawled out, like their lives are so difficult.

Random November happenings

How did this big boy used to fit in a baby carseat?

My little peanut is getting so big!  Now that we're finally out of the colic stage, he has been so happy and smiley.  Love those baby blues and that white blonde hair!

My precious Holden was dedicated on November 16th!  He wore the same outfit as Tiernan-so it brought back memories!  What a blessing to be able to pray as a body of Christ for our family as we raise him to be a man of God.

Tiernan (the biggest boy!!) was NOT excited about going in front of the church.  Even though we explained several times he wouldn't have to do anything but pray.

The boys were all sitting quietly for a few minutes drawing on white boards in our basement.  I had to document it since it so rarely happens!

The big boys were so proud one day because they were wearing matching pants and almost matching shirts.  "We are twins!"

I am so lucky to have such handsome boys!