Sunday, August 5, 2012

3 months

I feel like things are starting to settle down a bit.  The twins have been great sleepers for the past month or so-that has been amazing!  They are in that golden age of baby-dom where they are just super content to look around at the world and are happy just to sit on your lap or when anyone (anyone, anyone??) will take the time to talk to them.  Tiernan especially loves trying to make them smile and giggle.  He is such a great big brother. 

I've been struggling a lot with mommy guilt.  I'm sure this will be a on-going battle.  I feel bad because the babies really don't get cuddled alot just because there are two of them, and since most of my day is consumed by feeding and changing them, the few moments that I have when I'm not holding them are spent trying to meet the needs of the older boys.  And, oh yeah, making meals, doing laundry, etc. etc. (etc etc etc etc!!!)  Plus, Tiernan is getting really good at saying things to make me feel even worse, like, "Mommy I don't want you to [feed burp rock] the babies!  I want some special time just with you!"  Most of my day is spent saying things like "Just a have to be patient...hang on a bit..."  It's hard not to feel like I'm failing most of the time.      

Anyway, enough Debbie Downer talk.  Here are a few newer pictures of my sweet boys, to remind me that it's all worth it!

Zane is on the left



They are getting so long and chubbier-when I've stood on the scale with them at home Zane is 15 lbs. and Jaxson is 13 lbs.  They've nearly tripled their birth weights. 

"Well hello!"  They are so funny because most of the time it seems like they are completely unaware of each other. But then I'll turn them on their sides to look at one another and they get so excited and start smiling and talking to each other.  I think they're already plotting against me!