Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Halloween 2011

This is what I got out of the shower one day to see.... Tiernan was reading a book to his brother. SO adorable.

Happy Halloween! The boys seemed to have a fun time going trick or treating this year. We went with our neighbors, and Tiernan and Thomas would race each other to the next house. So cute!

Cameron was not super excited about putting his hand in the pumpkin. Which is funny because last year he didn't care at all about it, and Tiernan was scared. They've changed roles apparently.

Still not amused

Ethan was so excited that I roped him in

Cameron was a little monkey and Tiernan was a dinosaur

Running to the next house...I was so impressed that everyone kept their costumes on the whole time. A new accomplishment.

They have become better buddies lately. Tiernan was cuddling on the floor with his blanket (he's been sick) and Cameron wanted to come join him.

13 weeks!

Here are the latest ultrasound and belly pics. The ultrasound was taken at 12 weeks, 6 days. My mom will be so happy I'm taking belly pictures, since I didn't with either of the boys. I figure I should try to chronicle my (hopefully!) last pregnancy and I think it will be fun to look later at how big my tummy gets! Just to compare though, I'm guessing this is about what I looked like halfway through my other pregnancies...Ethan will never discuss this (he's finally wisened up after eight years of marriage!)