Monday, April 6, 2015

Happy Happy Easter!

Since we have the season of parties, we decided to combine Jaxson and Zane's birthdays with Easter this year.  We went out to the farm this year.  Wow!  They seem so big now that they are almost three!  I think we'll have a smaller party on their actual birthday.  So, hopefully I am good about taking pictures....

Oh my goodness, look as those sweet cute faces!  It ALMOST helps me forget how naughty they are sometimes.

Here's the great Easter egg hunt.  I was trying to remember if we did one last year.  Life was way too crazy between moving/packing/unpacking and getting ready for a new baby.  We were spoiled this year because the weather was just gorgeous!

Happy Birthday Tiernan!

It's party season at our house!  This year, it's Tiernan's birthday, Easter, then the twins' birthdays all right in a row.  We are already pooped and trying to come down off the sugar high.  And I'm not sure I can handle any more cupcakes and ice cream.

I brought some party hats for the boys.  They were more excited about those than the presents, I think.

He's so coordinated!

Jaxson especially was SO pumped about the hats.  He tried to wear as many as he could, and got so mad when one would fall off.

The birthday boy.  I cannot believe he is 7 years old!  Where did the time go?

Notice that Cameron has a death grip on the Transformers toy.  I don't think he's even let Tiernan play with it once.  

The birthday boy partied too hard!