Tuesday, June 29, 2010

4 Month Appt.

Cameron had his 4 month well baby check-up today. He is 26 1/4 inches long (90%) and 16 lbs. 12 oz. (76%.) He is rolling over both ways and is very close to sitting on his own. He is also starting to put things in his mouth (oh no!) I feel like in many ways I'm having to re-learn how to do everything again, as Cameron and Tiernan have been so different in the timeline of when they each have started doing things. For example, Tiernan didn't roll over until he was 6 months old, and Cameron started at 10 weeks!

Here's the boys' photos at 4 months:

My mom thinks they look nothing alike, others think they look so similar. What's your opinion?

Tiernan has been so proud of himself that he learned how to do somersaults. He is so cute-it's been fun to see his little personality coming out more and more each day. He is so loving to his little brother-he tries to give him his toys and loves giving him hugs and kisses. It will be interesting to see how they interact when Cameron is a little older and Tiernan may feel threatened by him.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Fun with the Exersaucer

We busted out the exersaucer this week. Cameron really likes playing in it-and so does big brother! Cameron's had so much fun lately being able to reach for and grab toys.

He loves hitting the toys that hang above his head. This was one of Tiernan's favorite toys too!

It's quite comical to see his long legs all folded up inside

Playing peek a boo

He is a John Deere boy!

A little video of Cameron playing...kinda boring just to warn you!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Mowing the Lawn Part 2

We have been enjoying the beautiful weather we've been having lately. We spend almost every evening outside eating dinner and watching Tiernan play. My parents brought over a small playset that Tiernan has loved climbing all over and sliding down the slide. While they were here we set up the small pool and sprinklers and let Tiernan run around nude-y. I didn't want to put pictures up (we'll save those for his first date) since I don't want sickos looking at my naked kiddo. I asked Ethan why he wasn't bothered by his wife being on the blog in her bathing suit...he didn't seem to be too concerned for some odd reason. :)
Anyway...here are some pictures of Tiernan helping his daddy mow the lawn. He is so cute how he follows Ethan around EVERYWHERE. Tiernan follows him into the garage when he's working on his car or building something with his tools. I'm sure it drives Ethan a little crazy-but secretly I think he loves having his son try to act exactly like him.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Swimming Lessons

This week was Tiernan's first week of swimming lessons. He learned highly specialized skills of blowing bubbles, kicking, and jumping into the water.

Cameron was confined to the carseat while Daddy watched him during the lesson

Jumping into the pool

Brrrrr...but scream and throw a fit if Mom tries to take off your swim shirt!

And in unrelated news....Cameron seems to really like laying on his boppy pillow on his tummy. He is very social and loves to watch all the hilarity that goes on at our house. Tiernan HATED being on his tummy, so it's quite a change!

Happy boy with a crazy mohawk

Here's a quick video of Tiernan swimming. You can kind of hear him say wow! and giggle

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Mowing the Lawn

Okay so I promise that I do take Cameron out of his bouncy seat sometimes. (And change his clothes!!) But here are the latest pictures of our sweetpea:

He has such a sweet temperment. Such an easy baby! It's probably that combined with me being more relaxed this time around. He has just started giggling and has recently discovered his hands. What fun toys!

Tiernan just recently decided that the lawn mower is not so terrifying. He used to scream and cling to me whenever Ethan would start it up. Ironically when it was turned off it was the coolest thing ever! Anyway, someone gave him a toy lawn mower and he thinks it is the greatest-now he can be more like Daddy!

I wish he really was mowing the lawn! He was getting so frustrated b/c the grass was so long and he couldn't push his mower easily.