Sunday, October 19, 2014

Of course we light our children on fire

Wait, what???  I set my children on fire?  Keep reading onward, friends; you'll see what I'm talking about.

We have had the most beeeeeeeeautiful fall this year!  The weather the past couple of weeks has been in the 60s and 70s so we have been outside nearly every day, soaking in the last few days of mild weather before the snow hits.  

The twins started trying to be like their big brothers and wear helmets when they're riding their trikes.  I'm not sure how they would possibly hurt their heads falling from a height of like two feet....but if they do, they are protected!  Here they are checking each other out:

 Cameron was blowing bubbles on Holden's belly the other day, and Holden was laaaaughing!  It was so adorable.  Just ignore the pile of laundry that is surrounding my baby.  It is never-ending at my house.

We have a pile of gravel in our back yard that the boys have been digging, digging, digging in.  I told Ethan we can't ever finish our landscaping because they love that pile so much.  Thankfully there's not much danger of finishing the landscaping ever.  Phew!  Crisis averted!

Ummmm, seriously.  Isn't he just the cutest baby ever?

 We tried out a new pumpkin patch this year.  They had a great selection of huge pumpkins, and they were so cheap!  I think we only paid like $10 for four BIG pumpkins.  The boys loved trying to lift the pumpkins up into the wagons and sitting on the tractors.

We found some leftover fireworks in the garage.  I decided that this is a WAY better time of year to celebrate 4th of July.  Yes, I know that's just not possible, but still.  It was dark at 7 pm and we could still be in bed by 8-none of this 11 o'clock nonsense like in July.  The boys we giddy with excitement about playing with sparklers and we *may* have set off some pop bottle rockets.  

Doesn't this one look like Jaxson's arm is on fire? Yikes

Sunday, October 5, 2014

A Little Trip to Ouray

The third weekend of September we took a LONG (for us) road trip to Ouray.  Geez Louise it took what felt like forever to get there.  I think it feels that way because you always have to stop eight billion times with small kids.  My aunt was getting married, and the whole family made the trip.  I got to meet my newest niece Sylvia, and spend time with my brother and his family.

The boys got to play together at the park.  There were so many fish in the pond by the Ouray Hot Springs.

I think Jacob was hiding behind the slide and jumping out at the boys.  They had so much fun together!

We went on a mini hike up to Cascade Falls with all the nieces and nephews.  We had a great time and there were only a few tears shed from falling down and/or getting wet.

September in a Nutshell (Help! I'm in a Nutshell!)

Life just never slows down, does it? This September the weather has been relatively mild.  We've been outside alot enjoying the lovely weather.

On Ethan's birthday we visited the John Deere dealership and the boys sat in all the equipment.  Happy Birthday to you, Ethan.  This is what birthdays have become for you!

Just a few silly pictures of my crazy boys....

The last weekend of September we took a little drive up the Poudre Canyon.  We saw the beautiful fall colors and the boys got to hike around a little bit.

 One day we were watching Toy Story for the three thousandth time and the twins were fighting about who got to hold Woody.  So, I made Woody sit in the middle and they each had to hold one hand.  Twin problems....
Ummmm, how much do you love Zane's scrunchy face?