Sunday, February 20, 2011

Cameron Turns One!

We celebrated Cameron's 1st birthday on Saturday. I can't believe he'll turn one in two days! The year has flown by! The night before his birthday he started taking real steps between Ethan and I-ones where he balances on his toes and doesn't just fall into us. I'm sure one day he'll just take off! Once again, I tried posting a video, but the file is too large. I really need to figure this out!

For the party we had Ethan's extended family over as well as members of our Windsor "Lifegroup." It was so fun to have everyone there to celebrate with us!

Tiernan was so sick the day of the birthday party-I kept joking that we just have to mention having a b-day party and he gets sick-remember he was sick for both his 1st and 2nd birthday parties?? What is the deal with that?
Nick and sweet baby Eli

Ethan the Pied Piper of children (it's amazing what toys can do!)

Cameron loves his new doggy.

Look at those glossy eyes :( Poor boy

So much fun!

Sisters Kealani and Denali

Cameron was not too impressed by the cake

He grabbed the frosting and then got freaked out when it stuck to his hands

What a big boy!

My attempt at being creative-it took three hours just to frost-ridiculous!

What a handsome boy in his cute firetruck outfit from Auntie Tiffany.

Thursday, February 10, 2011


Well I am a slacker and haven't posted any pics in a really long time. What's new in our lives? Not much, other than the fact that my BABY is almost 1 year old. I can't believe how fast it's gone by. Cameron is SO close to walking. He loves crawling around the room and recently figured out how to "cruise" along furniture.
Oh, wait. Something else-I have ventured into the scary land of potty training. Tiernan actually has picked up on the idea pretty quickly. If we are at home he does a great job of running to the potty when he needs to go. (However, aiming into the potty is a whole other story!) I spend most of the time cleaning up pee off the floor. But I guess I should be excited that he's not doing it in his pants, right? Our next hurdle is going to the bathroom in public. I still haven't figured out how I'm going to manage that with a baby in tow. But other mothers have survived this, I suppose, and my mom promises that he won't go to college not potty trained. I'm still not convinced.
In any case, here are the latest pictures of my boys:
A cup of milk before bed

What a cutie pie!

Tiernan woke up at o-dark thirty the other day and fell asleep on his daddy by mid-morning. Ethan enjoyed a little cuddle time since it rarely happens anymore!