Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Fun on the Farm

We spent some time last weekend playing at the farm. I don't want to brag or anything, but Tiernan and I got to ride in the Cozzens' new combine before Gary, Tyler, or Ethan. It was my first experience riding in a combine-it was so neat to be that high up in the air, in such a large piece of equipment. I of course stupidly did not document our maiden voyage in pictures :( Anyway, here are a few pictures that I did get of Tiernan playing in the fields. It is such a neat experience for him; that's all he talked about for days afterwards.

He grabbed the shovel from Brenda-he's ready to help
It is SO beautiful out there this time of year. The fields are so green-those are sugar beets in the background.

"Poppa" was teaching Tiernan how to thrown rocks and dirt clods in the water. Can you see the splash in the picture above?

I'm sure he was trying to convince them to let him throw more rocks!

Monday, September 20, 2010

Visit from Tiffany and Libby

My sister and her daughter came over to visit us last week. Tiernan had so much fun chasing around Libby and having someone little to play with. I must be honest, it made me take a hard look at possibly having more kids. I mean, I only have two hands! What does a mom do when she goes to the park, grocery store, etc etc and one child bolts?? All in all they were all very well behaved, but I was pooped at the end of the day after watching them by myself (three under three is a lot of work!) Here are a few shots of them having fun together:

I love how in all the shots that I have of Cameron with other kids,
he looks so frightened/not amused ;)

They loved digging in the sandbox. It was cheap entertainment!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Birthdays, Hugs, and Grandma (okay, just randomness)

Ethan and I usually get to celebrate our birthdays together since they're just a week apart (and one usually falls around Labor Day weekend too!) Tiernan helped me make a German Chocolate cake for Ethan's birthday. He ran around the house all day yelling "berfday take" but since he's not a huge sweets eater, he only ate two bites of his cake before it was time for more running around the house like a crazy man.

He was so excited about the candles

My mom came to visit for a few days last week. Tiernan loved having someone to spoil him. Here they are wrestling on the couch.

Well the potty training saga continues. I am torn everyday about whether or not he's "ready." I'm sure every mom who has been through the process can relate! He figured out that I'll read with him when he's sitting on his potty (mostly as a ploy to get him to stay still!) So the other day he sat on there literally for an hour while I was making dinner. There was no peeing or pooping in the potty after all that, but he sure was cute sitting there with all his books and asking me to read over and over again.

Tiernan was giving Cameron hugs and kisses. They were both laughing and laughing at each other. Ethan got big arm muscles from trying to hold them both up while I was taking pictures.
PS I'm always a little bit mortified that there is always junk in the background of my pictures. I swear before I became a mother my house was somewhat organized! I decided that my kiddos really don't care too much about a tidy house-they'd rather have a mommy to play with than one who's constantly cleaning up after them (not that I don't do that anyway!)

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

6 months old!

I've been meaning to post for a while, but our camera gave out :( Thankfully my mom bought us a fancy new camera for our birthdays-yay Mom!!

Cameron is now 6 months old. At his Dr. appt., we discovered that he weighed 17 lbs. 15 oz. (52%) and was 27 1/2 in. long (85%.) He shows more and more of his personality each day. He LOVES jumping up and down and "talks" all the time. Cameron loves his big brother-he reaches to hug him and tries to grab his shirt whenever he comes near. I can't wait to watch them play (and fight, I'm sure) together.

Okay, here are the boys at 6 months. Obviously Cameron is on top-how could you miss that crazy hair??

Cam the (CSU) Ram

All that jumping tired him out!