Monday, September 10, 2012


It was a tough decision to send Tiernan to preschool.  We knew it would be great for him.  He needs more social interaction as I'm simply not able to go anywhere during the day, and it would be good for him to start learning new things.  Shhhh don't tell anyone, but I was also excited for a little tiny reprieve in the afternoons since that is usually naptimes for everyone but him.  I'm still working at UNC (I know, crazy, right??) so I was hoping this would allow me to get some work done during the day rather than at night.  That being said, I was also nervous about someone else having influence on him.  I mean, I know the teachers cannot possibly love Tiernan as much as I do, and no one knows him better than Ethan and me.  Also, it's a pain in the patootie to get everyone loaded up twice a day three times a week.  But in the end we decided to just jump right in and see how it goes.  It's not like we're locked in if it doesn't work out. 
He needed a little convincing at first.  He is definitely shy in new situations and the three times he's gone, has said he really had fun and likes preschool, but dropping him off is always hard, and he almost always says he wants to stay with me and doesn't want to go.  Let me tell you, it is NO FUN to drop off a kid who is so sad-I almost started crying myself!  I'm hoping it gets easier the longer he goes, and it will be a little bit more of a routine.  I'm trying to convince myself of that!
Ethan's sister's sister in law's (huh??) son goes to preschool at the same time as him.  We're hoping they'll get to be good buddies. 

All ready to go!

I can't believe he's old enough to be in preschool already!  Where did the time go?

I caught Jaxson sleeping in bed one morning.  Good thing he is so sweet when he is sleeping, cuz he has not been a good sleeper at night lately.

I had to capture the giant man on the little slide.  Hilarious!

Look at that crazy hair!  It's so fun because he's our only kid so far with a little bit of curl.  Which is weird because both Ethan and I have wavy hair. 

Trip to GJ

This month we were brave and made a trip over to Grand Junction to visit my family.  I am not crazy enough (yet!) to go by myself, so my mom and grandma came over the day before and we caravaned back.  I lucked out and got just the babies, and they totally slept the whole way over.  It was amazing!  I got to listen to any music I wanted (not Cars or Madagascar movies.)  The trip back was not nearly so fun, as Jaxson for some reason has all of the sudden decided that a bottle is the yuckiest thing ever and how dare you try to give me that instead of the boob!  So, that being said, a trip which should be 4.5 hours in the summertime took about 8...with screaming babies....with grumpy parents....who have to listen to kid movies over and over and over.  We did have a great time when we were visiting my family though.  We gourged ourselves on fresh fruits like Palisade peaches and watermelon.  It was busy busy seeing family almost everyday, but the boys enjoyed playing with their cousins and were totally wiped at the end of every day. 
Getting the Grandmas' bed all warmed up!

 All ready for our trip!  Doesn't Zane look thrilled?

The biggest hit of the trip was getting to drive Grandpa's lawnmower.  Tiernan actually seemed to do a pretty good job and was so excited when Grandpa let him steer.  I think it probably contributed more to Grandpa's hair loss, but secretly I think he loved it too!

I'm sure Grandpa had fun trying to help steer the lawnmower and balance Cameron on his lap.

The boys loved digging in the gravel of my parents' landscaping.  They used all the equipment to dig holes and build things in the rocks.  I think they spent almost everyday all day long outside.

This picture is so fun of some of the cousins.  On the far left is Addie, my cousin's daughter. Libby was so excited to have a girl to play with!

Love this picture of Grandma snuggling Zane

My parents have this giant water feature/pond in their backyard.  I spend most of my time being worried someone is going to drown and my mom spends most of the time yelling at them to get out of it.  I'm still not sure what they were thinking putting it in.  But I guess when you don't have tiny people there most of the time, it's not that big of a deal. 

Cameron was not quite sure at first about putting his feet in the "ribber"

Yes, this is in their backyard.  Isn't is beautiful?

I took this picture right after we got back from GJ.  The babies were so excited to be out of their carseats.  The rolled over right away and found each other and started biting each others' hands. 

Hey there!