Sunday, July 6, 2014

Saying Goodbye to Grandma Pat

It's taken me nearly two months to be able to write this entry without breaking down in tears.  My grandma had to have open heart surgery and seemed to be doing really well immediately following the surgery. However, she passed away suddenly five days later.  I obviously wasn't able to be in Grand Junction since I was very very pregnant, which made it even harder.  I wanted to be able to grieve with my extended family, and hug my dad and his sisters.  Death is always difficult, and although she "lived a good life" at 80 something years old, she will be sorely missed by many.  Thankfully, my dad's family waited about a month to have her funeral, so at least we were able to go to that.  It was nice to be able to see family that we hadn't seen in a long time, and share memories of my grandmother.  And, everyone was able to meet Holden for the first time, so that was fun too.  I wish my grandma would have been able to meet him here on earth, but God had other plans....

Here is my other grandma and grandpa meeting Holden for the first time:

After the funeral-my mom, aunt, sister, cousin, and my boys

My grandma would have loved to see us all together

My other grandma and Tiernan were having a dance party at her house.  The other boys were too cool for school.

Jacob and Libby loved getting to hold Holden:

We will miss you dearly Grandma Pat! Although I know you are joyful in heaven, we mourn your presence here on earth.  We look forward to being reunited one day!

Party of Five

Hang on, this blog post promises to be a long one!  *Somehow* I'm finding I don't ever have enough time in the day!  And this blog gets sorely neglected.  The month of June of course has been craziness. Since Tiernan is out of school I have all five boys all day long-and with a newborn at home, I find that I don't have much trouble falling asleep at night-ha!  It's a good thing these boys of mine are so dang cute because they wear me out!  

Cameron has really surprised me.  He is so nurturing to Holden and is always worried about if he's okay.  Out of all the boys, he asks to hold the baby the most and always comes and tells me if Holden is crying or has puked all over the place, which is often.

I am in love with these pictures (and the boys in them, too!)

Thankfully so far Holden has been a super easy baby.  He sleeps a lot (I think it's self-preservation!!) and is usually pretty content when he is awake.  Of course I'm also comparing him to my most recent experience of twins, so anything would seem easy after that!

My biggest boy finally lost his first tooth.  His two bottom adult teeth had grown in behind his baby teeth.  He totally looked like a shark!  One day when Ethan was helping him brush his teeth one fell out.  Thankfully the tooth fairy happened to have some cash and did visit Tiernan that night.  

Can you read his onesie?  "Face it, it's time to call Grandma."  Toooo true!

The weeds were taking over our property, so we had to break down and buy a riding lawn mower.  Ethan was devastated ;) and the boys love going for rides on the "tractor."  

Holden was not very excited about his first bath, but now he thinks they're great. 

I somehow got all five boys together in one picture.  They were not all pleased, as you can tell, but here they are! 

Aren't baby feet so adorable?

Ethan's work had a "Bring your kids to work" day.  The boys loved sitting in the fire trucks and watching them raise and lower the ladder.

Jaxson was so proud that he put my flip-flops all by himself!