Thursday, March 24, 2011

Haircuts and Visit with Cousins

Last week my sister came over for a visit and brought her kiddos with. I tried uploading photos from her, but apparently the files are too big (grrrr, foiled again!) So I only have one super cute picture of all the cousins together....
I can't believe I caught one where they were all smiling!
We also decided to give the boys haircuts. Was it an ordeal! We asked Jacob if he wanted to get his haircut too. I can't believe he turned it down....

You would have thought we were ripping out his toenails

This was the first time we tried using the clippers on Cameron. I've been (badly) cutting his hair ever since he was born. Usually I'd shape it into his mohawk and then just chop away. But since his hair is not longer the baby-fine locks, it wouldn't stay up anymore. So we had to bid adieu to the longer mohawk "do." It brought back memories of the first time we cut Tiernan's hair (you can see he's made so much progress in that dept.) Cameron started out happy...

Oh dear...

So sad

This is what one part of my day looks like....

and this is what I spend a lot of my day trying to stop.

Notice the type of magazine he's reading??