Sunday, March 20, 2016

March Randomness

A sweet sleeping babe

Well, sometimes the days are very long, so we resort to building forts out of the couch cushions.  As you can see, they had a fun time climbing in and out of their "house"

Tiernan had his 2nd grade program on St. Patrick's Day.  
He looked so grown-up and handsome in his tie.

The pictures are pretty blurry, but we were so proud of him for participating.  He usually gets so nervous and says he doesn't want to do it.  How cute are 7-8 year olds singing and doing little dances though?


Well after living at our house for almost two years I finally had it with the mud and goat heads being tracked into my house.  So we finally began the process of landscaping.  Having a completely blank slate is a double-edged sword of being both amazing and overwhelming.  Ethan had been SO hard working in spite of the unpredictable winter/spring weather.  The boys of course have to get in on the action.  It will be SOOOOO nice to have grass and a sprinkler system.  This is the first time since being married that we'll have a sprinkler system, so I will be spoiled.  Can't wait to post the progress!

 Holden got to ride in the mini excavator

All the boys wanted to help Daddy install the drains so we don't have puddles of water collecting next to our foundation.  I think they were shoveling dirt into the toy dump truck and dumping it into the trench.

Ethan built a HUGE gravel/sand box for the play-set and trampoline.  The boys have been happy to be able to take their shoes off to play.  Once again, they were all such good helpers shoveling and raking the gravel around.  I am looking forward to having five teen-aged boys to do all the manual labor around my house in the future.

Pay no attention to the huge snotty boogers hanging down his face.  GROSS!

So, you can't even see it in this picture, but we have the most gorgeous views of the front range.  I am so blessed to live where I do!

It's Birthday Season!

I feel like I need to document the few times that the boys are sitting together playing nicely with each other.  I think Jaxson was taking a random nap because he fell asleep in the car.  

Tiernan in general is so sweet to Holden.  He is very protective and really watches out for him.  Unfortunately Holden's getting older and breaking Tiernan's Lego creations, so that causes lots of tears and gnashing of teeth.  

In February we were so sick for what felt like weeks and weeks.  The boys were camped out on the couch with high fevers and congestion.  Yuck.  Having sick kids is the worst!

Cameron turned 6 this year!  I say this with every birthday, but I can't believe it!  Poor kid had sicky brothers on his birthday, so it was just the four of us for most of the "party" because the littles went to bed at 6:30.  

He also lost one of his top teeth a few days later.  He was so proud and now that he's lost both of them, he looks so cute with the huge hole in the front of his mouth.  

Down on the Farm....Show

Just a few pics from the month of January.  

Oh lawdy, lawdy.  Jaxson is my only one with those beautiful blonde curls that grown woman would pay good money to have.  He gets out of a lot of trouble with those big blue eyes.

Of course I am always fighting with Ethan because he always chops off his curls when it's time to cut the boys' hair.  Ethan does have a point-most of the time the curls just are in a frizzy bed-head mess.  Look how sweet Jaxson is when he's sleeping

At the end of January we usually make a trip to the farm show in Greeley.  The boys love sitting on all the big equipment and pretending to drive.