Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Tiernan's 3rd Bday

Oh what a difference a year makes! The first two pictures are April last year, and the second two I took just a few days ago. I can't believe how much Tiernan especially looks so much more like a little boy and not a toddler.

The next few pics are of Tiernan's birthday which we celebrated this past weekend. I can't believe my BABY is already three years old.

How many hundreds of toys do we have in our house and they fight over one at a time...

Tiernan is so excited about his track tractor from Daddy

Opening his car transporter

We had spaghetti the other night. It had been a while (I know, can you believe it? I was mildly traumatized by my mom who made it every other day growing up and so now I can hardly stand it-another day for that story...) Anyway-Cameron was SOOOO excited about it. I couldn't cut it up fast enough for him to eat. He took fistfuls of it and shoveled it in his mouth. After dinner I had to give both him and the high chair a hose down.

The boys were actually playing pretty well together in the sandbox. I think they made it 15 minutes before Tiernan dumped sand all over Cameron's head. I think that's a record.