Monday, October 3, 2011


What a huge surprise! We found out on Sept. 28th that I am pregnant with twins! We were extra shocked because at our first ultrasound at 6 weeks, this is what we saw....

ONE healthy baby with a little heartbeat. I still wonder where the other baby was hiding!!

So, when I went in for my next ultrasound at 8 weeks, as the nurse practitioner was looking at the ultrasound she had a funny look on her face. I immediately thought the worst, but she turned the screen toward us and asked, "Did you know you're having twins??" I clasped my hand to my open mouth, gasped, and started giggling. Oh my goodness! What a shock! Then she measured both of their lengths and took their heartbeats. Both babies were measuring right on schedule and the heartbeats were perfect (171 and 167 beats per minute.) Right now my due date is May 3, 2012, however twins are usually early. My attempt at not having a tax season baby may have failed...

Here is Baby A. At the top you can see its head. You can fairly clearly see a body and arms and legs. But maybe it's just clear to me because I've had 15 million ultrasounds!

Baby B was being a little bit shy (probably the one that was hiding before!!) Plus, it was further from my cervix and harder to see. My sister is convinced that he/she is the sneaky one and the other is a showboat. :)

We're still processing through the idea of having a four year old, two year old, and newborn twins. YIKES! The logistics are a little bit frightening. But I am choosing to view this as an amazing BLESSING from the Lord. I prayed so hard for so long for babies, and here they are! I'm only at 9 weeks right now, so not quite out of the "danger zone" as far as miscarriages go. I'm trying so hard not to be paralyzed by the thought that something bad might happen. So for now we are praying endlessly, for a safe pregnancy and healthy babies, and that my anxiety would be calmed. I can't wait to meet them!