Friday, July 29, 2011

Why I am tired at the end of everyday

Before we had children we had some older (with grown children) friends of ours over for dinner one night. They noticed our stairwell and said "That will be a perfect racetrack for kids one day." We laughed it off-who would think such a thing?!-not realizing how much your perspective on everything changes once you have kids. Now we understand perfectly what they were talking about, and, how true it is! Our stairwell IS the perfect racetrack for running, riding trikes, dumptrucks, and driving tractors and racecars. I have some hilarious video clips of the boys screaming and running and laughing around the stairway, but of course can't get them to load. But you can imagine how funny it would be, right?


Cameron is in the phase of bringing everything to us. It makes it really fun trying to find the other matching shoe since we can only ever find one since the other one is always mysteriously missing....I was so tempted today to just put him in two different kinds of shoes since I couldn't find a matching pair. But decided against it since I can't even blame the mis-matching shoes on Cameron yet since he clearly is not old enough to dress himself.

Running around and around

There is always at least one collision which ends in tears

Phew! All that running around makes us tired!

Good thing we have a king sized bed!

Happy Birthday Grandma!

We were in GJ for my mom's birthday this year. We made her feel like a big girl and she got numbers on her cake so we can remember how old she turned. I'm sure she was so thrilled.

One day we went swimming at the new Fruita Rec Center. It totally cracks me up that Fruita has a rec center and not GJ. Anyway, it was a beautiful facility and the boys LOVED swimming. I love how it looks like Tiernan's shirt says DANG.

LOVE this pic of Cameron and Grandpa-they are buddies

Wednesday, July 6, 2011


We spent Tuesday up in the mountains going on our first hike of the season. We didn't realize until we got up there that it was the grand opening of the nature/park area at the bottom of the hiking trails. So we showed up to a party and they would not let us enter w/out putting on name tags. Weird. We were incredibly outsdoorsy looking with our name tags and diaper bag.

Anyway, our first part of the trip the boys got to climb in the nature area-I'm wondering how long the tunnel made of twigs will last after little people try to climb all over it. Nobody asked my opinion though...

Peeking through the "tunnel"

Wait a minute! There's mountains over there!

He is still not quite sure if other kids at the park are scary or fun

Look mom! I climbed on the big log!

Here is the beginning of our adventure-Tiernan loved, loved, loved, climbing. I thought it would take us FOREVER to get to the top since I figured he'd be so distracted by all the rocks and pine cones and flowers and dirt....but he did pretty good (trying to keep up with Daddy helps!)

Cameron loved riding in the hiking backpack-he would giggle and giggle everytime he'd get hit with leaves along the trail

It started to rain, so we had to hurry down the mountain. Tiernan kept asking over and over if we could climb up another mountain.

Who is that big boy? What happened to my tiny little baby?