Tuesday, July 17, 2012

July so far...

Well the world looks a whole lot different when you've had 6 hours of continuous sleep every night I decided.  I don't think you really realize just how exhausted you are until you wake up the morning after a "full" nights sleep and it's amazing how much better you feel!  The babies started regularly sleeping through the night a few weeks ago, and that has revolutionized my life!  Right now they typically go to bed around 8 pm (same time as the big boys!) and will sleep until between 5 and 6 AM.  I don't even remember the big boys sleeping that well, so it's been amazing.  Just last night we had to put them in their own cribs for the first time because they were getting flipped around in their sleep, and kicking each other in the head and waking each other up.  I was a little bit sad to separate them, and they seemed sooo tiny by themselves in their individual beds.

The big boys have been a hand-full lately.  I've been struggling a lot with mommy guilt because I just can't play with them like I used to be able to.  There just isn't enough of me to go around!  And since they are still so young, they are just not super independent yet.  As a result there is a lot of fighting and naughtiness at my house right now; I think to get any kind of attention.  Plus, it's been so blasted hot that they really haven't been able to play outside much this summer.

It's a good thing I only take pictures of them when they are cute and happy, so when I look back at these pictures later I will have hopefully completely forgotten how absolutely INSANE this time of life was....     

I need to take some time (time, what is that??) to look for old pictures of these two laying down together so we can see how much they've grown!
We were are outside they are usually in swim suits playing in the pool (or naked as you have seen.) They have loved playing with the bubble machine lately.  This picture shows me how tall and thin Tiernan has gotten-he looks more and more like a little boy and not so much like a toddler/baby anymore :(
As always, a little ham-he loves the camera
A favorite pastime at our house is wrestling. 
 It almost always ends in tears when someone gets too rough. 
Rockin' the CSU gear

I've been a little addicted to Instagram lately...

Proud big brother

They look so grown up here-when did that happen??  They love riding in Poppa's pick up out on the farm mostly because they don't have to ride in car seats.  Please don't call CPS on me-I promise it's just on the fields (or at least that's what they tell me!)

LOVE LOVE LOVE this picture of my four sweet peas.  I'm just amazing no one is crying and everyone was looking at the camera!

Both of these are Zane....

Jaxson-again, addicted to Instragram....

The above picture is Zane, and the one below is Tiernan-well, what do you think??

Saturday, July 14, 2012

June 2012

Here are a bunch of random pictures from the month of June:

So this is going to sound completely insane-quite possible given my current state of being, but the twins are both pretty easy babies.  I'm pretty sure because our house is SO crazy 99.9% of the time and I'm so busy running around helping everyone that they've had to (1) learn that they don't get picked up every single time they cry, and (2) I feel like crying is a constant state in our house, so I'm becoming more and more immune to it's powers.  In any case, they are usually pretty content for now to just hang out in their bouncy seats and look around. 

Tiernan is a proud big brother!  He recently has started asking more and more to hold the babies, and everywhere we go he wants to show off "my baby/twin brothers."  "C'mon, wanna see 'em??"  Here he is holding Jaxson.

In June they both started looking forward, rather than to the side....

Love this black and white photo I snagged of them

Ethan's parents have been letting the big boys come to the farm more often now to give us a little reprieve.  It's amazing how now I feel like "just" having the twins is easy!  Tiernan and Cameron love getting to sit in all the equipment with Grandpa Cozzens.

I think some of my favorite pictures of all my boys is when they are sleeping-and when these two are sleeping at the same time it's a miracle so I had to document it!

I think Zane's face in this one is so sweet-you can tell he's really trying to look around at something.

Woohoo!  Matching outfits!  Another miracle!

It's amazing how already their little personalities are coming out!  Zane is usually SOOO easy-he will just hang out forever just looking around.  He is very relaxed and very happy.  The only times he cries are when he's hungry or tired.  He reminds me of Cameron so much sometimes because he makes the funniest faces!

We're rarely able to go anywhere (I'm not brave enough yet!), so the big boys have been spending a lot of time playing in the backyard in the pool and sprinklers.  Here they are nudey patootie-I tried to censor it for you!

I'm so glad they've started smiling-love those sweet baby smiles!

Jaxson right now is a kid of extremes.  His cry doesn't build at all-you immediately know when he's upset about something.  But, he has a HUGE grin and has recently started to giggle.  Here is his not amused face.  In June, this is pretty much what they did: Zane would look around and Jaxson would give you the stare down. 

One day we were at Target and I was trying on sunglasses.  I don't ever buy expensive ones because the boys always confiscate them and they get broken (or, I set them down somewhere and they get lost...etc etc) Cameron picked out the pink heart ones-hmmmmmm