Saturday, June 25, 2016

The first half of June

We went up to Bobcat Ridge for a grand re-opening that Ethan was a part of for his work.  They served ice cream and pie, and the boys played some games like potato sack races.   We tried to go for a hike, but it was SO hot that day.  We only made it maybe a quarter mile before needing to turn back around.  

Holden's birthday celebration, part two:

I am so blessed to have happy healthy boys!  

A visit to Grand Junction

Right after school got out we made our annual journey to Grand Junction to see my family.  We hadn't been there since Christmas, so it was fun to get out of town for a little while.

Cameron and Grandpa had a colossal pillow fight one afternoon.  They had to stop when the oldest kid (my dad) got too rowdy.   

My grandparents celebrated 60 years of marriage while we were in town.  We had lunch at my  parents' house.  Luckily the weather was hot, so all the cousins could run around like crazy people.  

Tiernan was having deep conversation with "G-pa."  SO sweet and such precious memories.  He is so fortunate to know his great grandparents.

One afternoon we made a trip to the dinosaur museum in Fruita.  It was more fun this time because the twins were not quite so freaked out by the dinosaurs.

Tiernan was the only one brave enough to pose with the T-rex

Doesn't the "meteor" kind of look like a giant turd?

Some sweet cuddle time with Grandma

Tiernan went on a mountain bike ride with the men and was so proud of his wounds after he had a big crash.

We were able to celebrate Holden's 2nd birthday at Auntie Debbi's house.

Hiking at Mica Mines

My aunt is the police chief in Palisade, and she pulled a few strings so that we could take a tour of the fire station.  The boys got to try on gear and sit in the fire trucks.   

We always have such a great time seeing the whole family!

Friday, June 24, 2016

End of Kinder and 2nd Grade

I knew I would need to do a side by side comparison of the first day of school versus the last day of school because most of the time I'm in denial that these kids of mine grow so much every single day.  

The last day of school is also field day.  It was kind of a long morning for the twins and Holden, who had to sit through two hours of the same games over again.  The littles did well but were pretty done by the time we left.  Cameron was so sweet and cried and cried when he had to say goodbye to his teacher.  Tiernan was like, can we leave any earlier??  

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

We have a bit of catching up to do

The end of the school year is always such a busy time of year!  This year was extra special because we were able to celebrate Ethan's mom retirement from UNC.  We had to have a pep talk with the boys about behaving.  That day was frickin' freeeeeezing outside so we couldn't even run around outside to get the energy out.  They did pretty well though, especially when they were fed lots of juice and blue frosting cake.   

Love the sweet baby in a towel

Oh my goodness, is there anything cuter than a Kindergarten program?  Cameron was so sweet performing.  This is his class singing the turkey tango-SOOOO dang cute!

Me and my boys on Mother's Day

The littles enjoying the last few days before the big boys were home full time for the summer

The never ending landscaping project continues.  You can kind of see the baby grass FINALLY growing in.  The boys spent days and days shoveling rock into the trailer and then moving it up next to the house and re-shoveling it.  I was D-O-N-E after only like three loads.  The boys worked so hard and lasted a lot longer than me!  We're only about 1/3 done and were sidelined by sickness and injuries, but hopefully the next couple of weekends the weather will not be one million degrees and we can get it done.  Trying to see the light at the end of the tunnel.  I so thankful for a husband who works so hard for us!

Cameron had so much fun this spring playing soccer.  I didn't get any good pictures of him-bummer!