Monday, April 22, 2013

Happy Birthday Twins! A Dr. Seuss Party

Well I can't believe it!  We survived our first year with twins (in addition to a four year old and two year old!) This year has absolutely flown by-I already feel like I don't remember much of it, especially those first few exhausting months.  I'm glad for cameras to remind us all of this crazy time of life, and I mostly captured happy moments so that later I can have "momnesia" and only remember how great and fun it was-ha!
I took this picture on their actual birthday.  Wowza!  Look how big they've grown!

We had the twins' party out at the farm since our rental would have been way too crowded. It was perfect weather that day and the kiddos loved playing on the farm equipment and looking at the baby sheep (and building mud pies.) I'm sure parents were super excited about that.
I decided on a Dr. Seuss theme for their first birthday party.  Thing One and Thing Two seemed so appropriate, and you can't do that with a single baby... I had such a fun time with this theme-there is SO much you can do with it.  It was actually hardest to pick and choose out of all the myriads of ideas out there.  And no, I'm not a Pinterest person, because I'm pretty sure I don't need another time suck/make me feel like even more of failure mom because I don't serve my kids organic hand made whatever.  In any case I was really happy with how everything turned out, regardless of a couple of disasters that happened as I was getting ready (more on that later.)  See, the boys have not completely fried my brains-I do have a few moments of creativity and craftiness that happen occasionally.
At this table I had two Happy Birthday to You! books that I wanted guests to sign, with the thought being that the twins will have a nice keepsake from their first birthdays.  I think there was a little bit too much distraction going on though, and only a couple of people signed them.  Sigh...

The goodie table

The Thing One and Thing Two cupcakes and Pink Yink Ink Drink
I really wanted to put blue cotton candy on the top of the cupcakes, but realized the night before, as I was practicing, that the cotton candy took about 15 minutes to melt onto the cupcakes and looked gross.  :(  So, I had to improvise and just frost them with blue frosting, and the twins got the cotton candy that I put on immediately before serving.  After the fact I thought maybe it would work to just do cotton candy and no frosting, but you'd definitely have to use the tall paper wrappers that I used to hold it up.
PS When I was frosting the cupcakes the plastic bag that I was using exploded all over my hands and thank God I caught it before it fell all over my mother-in-law's beautiful light colored maple floors.  Needless to say my hands were smurf colored all day.    

From 10 Apples on Top

Green Eggs and Ham
So, another tragedy in the party prep was that I finished the eggs and was packing them up to go, and realized that I was too distracted as I was making them and forgot to dye them green!  The whole point!  Grrr!  So after cussing under my breath I had to dig out all the egg yolk part and put it back in the bag and mix in the green dye and start over.  Oy!   

One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish goldfish crackers
I also planned on little smokies in a bun with Go, Dog, Go! but decided at the last minute that it was just too much.

My little Thing 2 Jaxson

My little Thing 1 Zane

Oh my gosh, I love that Carter and Tiernan were playing so well together!  Carter is Ethan's best friend Todd's son.  Ethan and Todd are four months apart and so are Tiernan and Carter.  So fun! 

The happy birthday boys
You can kind of see the cupcake with cotton candy hair on the table in front of them

So once again I think my mothering skills must be going downhill because neither Tiernan or Cameron would even touch their 1st birthday cakes.  Apparently these two are very familiar with "regular" (read, big people, bad for you) food and gobbled the cake up right away.

All the kids had blue frosting faces.  Again, I'm sure all the parents just loved me.

We had such a fun time celebrating our precious twin boys! 

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Easter and Tiernan's Birthday

Look at me, I'm on a roll updating the blog! 
This last weekend we got to celebrate two special things: Tiernan's birthday on Saturday and Easter on Sunday.  This weekend was a little bit bittersweet for me.  Easter weekend was also the weekend we lost our third baby, so I find it especially ironic that this year we celebrated Tiernan's fifth birthday the same weekend as Easter.  Ironic is probably not the right word at all-I'm not sure which word I'm looking for....
I keep wondering if I'll ever completely "get over" the loss of our tiny babies.  I sort of hope not-in a weird way I think I'd feel so guilty if I did.  I hope one day I get to kiss and hug those babes in heaven!
Anywho...these pictures are all out of order.  Sorry-once again I'm being too lazy to re-order them.  I absolutely cannot believe that Tiernan is five and will be starting kindergarten in the fall!  That is crazy!  It has gone by soooo fast!  What every mom says is true....
Here we are opening presents at our house.  He has been really self-conscious about smiling for pictures lately.  What's that all about?  Do you like the trash bag wrapping paper?  Classy, classy

We also got him a "big boy" bike without training wheels.  He was so proud to have a mountain bike like Daddy.  Let the fun begin! 

Yes, we are that family that lets their kids ride around in their pajamas and flip-flops.  I told you we are classy like that.
Opening presents at Grandma and Grandpa Cozzens' house

Hunting for Easter eggs.  This was the first time Cameron got to do this and sort of understood what was going on.  Last year we were a little pre-occupied by two tiny people to do anything about Easter.

Our attempt to get their picture.  I love that Tyler is the only one paying attention.

Oh my goodness, aren't they the cutest? 

Dyeing Easter eggs at our house
Tiernan was so cute because all day long he kept checking on his eggs and carrying them around the house with him wherever he went.  I'm still a little concerned in a few weeks we're going to start smelling a random rotten egg that got lost. 

Big five year old birthday boy!

Love Gary's face!

He did so good dyeing eggs.  I was concerned we'd have to throw out his clothes.  But he was so careful and only broke one egg.

Showing off his dinosaur shoes from Jacob

Jacob and Libby visit!

The last week of March my sister and her kiddos came to visit us.  We had such a fun week!  We visited the new children's museum in Fort Collins, went to the dairy (a tradition), and of course the park.  It was a beautiful week-perfect for playing outside!
Oh my goodness, look how tall Cameron has gotten!  When did that happen?

First time on the swings!  They did great!  I was worried they'd just fall over and get mad-but they stayed in there a long time giggling and smiling. 

We have to take an annual picture on the tractor at the dairy.  We were bummed that there weren't any baby animals to pet/feed.  We apparently were a week too early.  We still enjoyed yummy ice cream and cheese.

This was our first trip the the children's museum.  It was so fun and set up so well for kids to play and explore. 

If you spun the big fans around, it made the mirror wall move.  They could see how wind (air) affects things.

What?  All six in the same frame?  How did that happen?

Exploring magnets

A hit!  The fans blew the beach balls in the air.  They spent a long time here.

That's the mirror wall.  You didn't know what I was talking about did you?  Now you can see it for yourself.

Pedaling the bike made the skeleton also pedal.  You could see his (her??) heart beating too-faster if you pedaled faster. 
What a fun trip!  The boys are sad they don't have permanent playmates anymore. 

Random March Madness

March was a typical Colorado bi-polar weather month.  We had days of sunny and warm mixed with blizzard-y snowstorms.  I know I'm more than ready for warmer weather so we can get some little boy energy burned playing outside!
Here are some things we did, in no particular order....
We went to Lowe's to participate in their Build and Grow program.  That week they were building monster trucks.  Tiernan was much more into it than Cameron.  Probably because you had to follow directions :)  I'm not sure why, but the pictures uploaded separately, so there are pics at the beginning and end of this post of the same trip.  I'm too lazy to move everything around, so here you go-

Showing off their finished products

My sweet baby Zane

Fun in the tub

Our nightly ritual is wrestling on the bed.  I have a few videos of the chaos that is our bedtime.  There are legs and arms flying everywhere, and noise all over.  I love it.
Wearing Daddy's hat

All ready to brave the snow!
What?? Happy pictures of BOTH babies??

This is more like it.  Jaxson, so annoyed that I'm taking his picture, and Zane, being a ham for the camera 

Up to NO good

I don't think I can fit one more kid in there!
Lowe's again....