Sunday, January 31, 2016

Christmas in Grand Junction

My parents are crazy and invited us to stay at their house for like 10 days.  Okay, okay, I actually invited myself, but they AGREED.  What?  We raise the craziness and decibels about 18 million levels when we're there.  

The boys were so excited to open their Christmas Eve present which turned out to be....jammies.  They were so happy to all be matching, and we thought it was funny that the baby was Darth Vader and the big boys were the Storm Troopers.  

Here we are opening the rest of our presents on Christmas Day. 

Jaxson was cute helping Grandma cook dessert

And...falling asleep with Uncle Matt on the couch

We went to see the huge model train again this year.  The boys couldn't handle not being able to touch it!

It's kind of fun to have Christmas all spread out like this.  We got to open some presents at my parents' house, then came home and opened some at our house, and then got another Christmas at Ethan's parents' house.  Here they are opening presents at our house.  


We had many adventures in December.  It's my absolute favorite time of year!

Holden loves his Grandma! 

Ethan took the boys up off-roading in the snow BECAUSE HE'S CRAZY.  They had a fun time and I enjoyed time with just one little person.  

Zane is the weirdest breakfast eater.  Usually he asks for a ham sandwich, but this morning, he asked to eat carrots!  I guess I should be happy he's not eating the sugary cereal the rest of the boys eat.  I, mean, the organic, honey-sweetened cereal that I feed the rest of them.   

Oh my goodness my baby is a toddler!  He is running all over the place and loves to wrestle.  Oh, I love him so much!

We took the boys to the little parade of lights that Eaton puts on.  Thankfully it's short and sweet and since there's not very many kids, we usually get lots of candy.  I mean, honey-sweetened carrot sticks.

This winter has been cold and snowy.  I put the boys to work shoveling.  Sometimes they're excited about it, and other times, well, let's just say, it's an exercise in discipline.

My sister made us a Christmas tree to help measure the boys every year at Christmas.  It's fun to see how much they've grown from year to year.  Although I have so many kids I fear we're going to run out of room soon!  Zane was so upset that he had to have his picture taken.

One magical day the boys were all playing happily together in the little boys' room.  I had to capture it since it's such a rare occurrence!