Tuesday, February 14, 2012

January 2012

Just a couple of pictures from this month....

Tiernan has really been into puzzles lately. His latest favorite is the Hickory Dickory Dock puzzle from his cousin Lauren. He love putting the puzzle together and then reading the book.

You notice Cameron in the background being a ham...

He never misses a moment to pose for the camera

Safety goggles are on and I'm ready for work!

We've been training Cameron to sleep in his toddler bed. One day he snuck out of his room but apparently was so sleepy that he fell asleep in the hall. So cute

Just a month or two late...

Well I am finally getting around to posting Christmas pictures. I was not so great about taking pictures this year for some reason, so all you get are the ones of us in our pjs at our house.

A Benny the Bull from Auntie Tiff (and fam)

Cameron thought it was fun until he bounced too hard and fell over and bonked his head-I don't think he's got on it since...

Opening up our stockings-they loved all the construction equipment from Daddy

A flatbed truck and skid steer (look at my ever expanding vocabulary of vehicles! Four years ago I didn't know any of this!)

Unwrapping is the best part!

We put this rug in the boys' room-they love driving their thousands and thousands of trucks all over it

This picture makes me laugh because it looks like Ethan is about to stab Tiernan-why is it that I have TWO pictures where Ethan is trying to stab someone?? Hmmmm

The boys had fun putting ornaments on the tree. By the time Christmas came I think only the top half still had ornaments on it because some little fingers couldn't resist!