Friday, September 2, 2011

Random August pics

Here are some random pictures of what we've been up to in August:

Tiernan loves building forts in our living room. It was so cute when both boys cuddled under the blanket together.

Tiernan has turned into such a good helper. He still loves to mow the lawn with Daddy. The past couple of times Cameron wanted to get in on the action too. I think next summer we're going to have to get another lawnmower.

He was so proud for getting dressed by himself....

My boys both love to read (Hallelujah!)

It is so cute to watch Ethan reading with them before bed.

And on a totally other note, here is my (read, Ethan's) pet project. Ever since we mounted our flat screen tv it's just been hanging out randomly about our old tv stand-there was this huge blank space on the wall that had been bugging me. Plus, the tv stand was open and the boys thought nothing was funner than pushing all the buttons on the DVD player and Wii (and VCR-shhh-I promise we really are not 65-who still has a VCR really? But I digress...) Anyway I told Ethan that I wanted a dresser for underneath, but it needed to be pretty specific measurements not only to fit the shorty wall, but also be tall under the tv. Oh, and it also needed to have doors to contain all the toys/books/aforementioned electrical equipment. You would not think this is so difficult, eh?

So after months and months of combing Craigslist-I was just sure I could find a better deal there-I finally found the most God-awful ugly old lady buffet/dresser. Yes, I am kicking myself for not taking before/after pictures-I am a rookie after all! So after primer, four coats of paint (hated the first shade) fixing the drawers, etc. etc. here it is in all it's glory. Don't tell Ethan but I'm pretty sure we probably spent as much fixing up my "find" as if I would have just bought brand new. Grrrr. But what a sense of accomplishment! I'm sure that's exactly what Ethan feels. BTW I totally chickened out. I originally had a lighter shade of blue and I was this close to putting on red knobs....but I suppose I'm still too much of a chromaphobe. Plus I hated the first blue, and I'm so glad I re-painted it and now have bling-y glass knobs. Yes, I just used the word bling-y!