Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Summertime in GJ

We spent last week in GJ. It always seems so relaxing when we are there-especially in the summertime. We were able to get outside a little bit. It was SO hot most days-upper 90s/low 100s so we had to wait until nighttime to go outside. Here's ALOT of pics from our trip.

We spent one evening out at Highline Lake. Since it's been so hot the water felt so good!
Tiernan had fun playing with his cousins Jacob and Libby

Libby loved leading him around. I love this picture of them together-so sweet!

He loved digging in the sand and dirt

Grandpa and Jacob

Tiernan remembered how to blow bubbles! He kept trying to do it on his own but would get scared when the water would hit too much of his face.

Cameron was excited to be out of his clothes

My parents are insanely working on their landscaping in the desert heat. Tiernan really wanted to help...

We spent one day playing in the water at the pool. They had a neat area where the kiddos can run around and play with all the water toys and fountains. Tiernan was not so sure about getting sprayed in the face.

Cameron's Dedication

I just got pictures from my mom of Cameron's dedication on Mother's Day (yes, back in May.) That is why you don't leave a man (ahem, Grandpa) in charge of your camera for important events. All I have on my camera is two blurry pictures of the backs of heads. :) In any case, it was a very special day-I am a blessed mama...

We think this picture is hilarious-looks like Marcy wants to stab Ethan with a knife. Don't they look like they love each other??

Lunch was an adventure at Texas Roadhouse

The baby next to him is just a few months older. He puked right in the middle of the ceremony. I felt so bad for them!

Tiernan's attempt at a faux-hawk. It can't quite compare to his brother's!

Grandpa and Cameron on his big day

Looking sharp with his bowtie!

Saturday, July 17, 2010

4th of July

I'm finally getting around to posting pictures of the 4th of July. Well, really it was the 5th of July because it was raining so hard on the 4th.

Tyler setting off pop bottle rockets-our night ended early when one wayward firework shot into the barn and almost hit Grandma and the baby

Tiernan thought the ones you throw on the ground and pop were so hilarious

Tiernan wasn't so sure about the sparklers at first but soon he was trying to grab them out of my hands.

Friday, July 2, 2010

My friend Steph let us borrow a Bumbo. Cameron loves sitting in it because he can see everything that's going on.

"Want a toy?"

I love Cameron's face in this one..."Yikes!"

Happy baby

Helping fill up the pool

Watering the flowers

I tried posting a video of Cameron having his first bites of rice cereal...but I think the file's too big-I'll have to try again with a different program. :(