Thursday, November 18, 2010

Snow Day and Gerber Baby

We got a bunch of snow here the other day. So we spent 10 minutes getting our snow pants, winter coat, gloves, hat, etc etc on and then spent 10 minutes outside before coming back inside because it was too cold (for Mom, that is.)

Tiernan loved going down the little slide in his snow pants because it made him go extra fast.

He had so much fun driving his trucks in the snow

All bundled up and ready to go outside

Well I'm probably more than a little bit biased, but I'm pretty sure I have the cutest baby around. Cameron is almost 9 months old now. He loves holding on to things to stand and is just figuring out how to make his walker work. He keeps trying to crawl and can get his little feet up under him, but usually ends up just pushing himself back over onto his back. Cameron is a chatty little guy-loves to babble and definitely lets me know when he is upset by shrieking. Overall he is very happy baby and I am so blessed to be his mommy.
Love his little coveralls-but they are not so much fun when it comes time to get dressed/change diapers

Could he be any cuter?

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


Here are our adventures at Halloween. We had quite the crazy day. :) First we carved pumpkins, then we went to about five houses trick or treating, and then went to Auntie Megan's house for dinner.

I keep trying to move the pictures so they're in the right order, but it's not letting me. Blogger makes me crazy sometimes!! Anyway, Tiernan was Lightening McQueen's pit crew for Halloween. Here he is on his way to trick or treat.
Aren't these the most precious pictures?

Tiernan is slowly warming up to the idea of pumpkin carving. Mostly he thought it was gross and didn't want to get his hands all slimy. And he was especially frightened to stick his hand inside. He had the most fun by taking the pieces I'd carved out and sticking them back in (eyes, nose, mouth) like a puzzle.

Cameron had fun playing with the seeds and getting all messy.

Doesn't he look like a little boy and not a baby?? :(

What a cutie!

Here are my little karate kid and pit crew member (and Daddy)