Friday, September 12, 2014

Lotsa Milestones (August)

Here is the month of August in pictures.  We had lots going on (big surprise, I know.)
As always, I must have a picture of someone sleeping.  Why is it not me?  Holden has actually been a pretty good sleeper through the night.  Thank goodness there is some sweet relief in that.

Cameron loves this picture because his fireman's outfit reflects and "glows."

He is getting so big!  Look at that crazy blonde mohawk!

Love that sweet smile. And UNC-represent!!

Wish my mirror didn't have disgusting baby spit up goobers all over it.  Maybe I should think about cleaning that.  In any case, why did it take me five kids to figure out to put a mirror by the changing table.  It's amazing what being forced into using your dresser will help you realize!  Holden is so much more alert now and loves looking at himself.  

The boys love looking at themselves in the reverse feature on my phone.  And look at me keeping it real, make-up free and exhausted looking.  This is my life right now.  

I think Ethan was just happy that Holden was content to just sit still one night, and he wasn't walking up and down the halls trying to get him to sleep.

Tiernan learned how to tie his shoes-just in time to go back to school.  I hope his teacher appreciates that!  

So, of course, Zane and Jaxson needed in on that action of Mommy's attention.  So obviously we must put on Daddy's shoes.  But how cute are kids in over-sized shoes?

We fina-freaking-ly closed on our house!  I will spare you the gory details, but we were basically squatting on our house for the past few months.  Stressful to say the least.  We felt a HUGE weight lifted when we signed on for 30 years of debt.  Who would have thought?

My sister took a picture of our family so we can see how much the our family and property changes over the years.

What?  How did I get the four big boys all together in one frame?

This is the only picture Tiernan would let me take of him on the first day of 1st grade.  I love that he has the squinty too-sunshiney eyes.  

Here we are zoomed-in and blurry.  I'm surrounded by men!  And when did my six year old get so tall?  

Cameron absolutely LOVES his baby brother.  Almost every day he asks to hold Holden and is so sweet and soft with him.  I keep trying to catch on camera Cameron telling Holden stories and asking him questions.  It is totally adorable.  

Where did the summer go?

Whoa, how has it been so long since I last posted?  Yikes!  An entire summer has gone by!  Well, here ya go, the summer in a few quickish posts.  Here comes July:

Cameron playing dress-up

Here we are at the Eaton Days parade.  Look at us being involved in the community events.  The boys loved all the junk that they passed out at the parade, and Gary was excited to chase down all the parade marchers in search of candy for the "boys."

Good grief!  I have too many babies to take care of :)  Good thing they're so stinkin' cute!

Marcy sent us this selfie (quadruple-sie?) of the big boys and Brenda before they left over the mountains to come to Grand Junction.  I love this pic-so cute!

We always seem to pick the hottest week of the year to visit Grand Junction.  Seriously, I think every single day it was at least in the high 90s if not 100s.  Sheesh!  A pool was a definite must, and the boys loved crashing into each other.  

I love, love, love, both these pictures of Cameron and Grandma White making minion cupcakes.  Apparently Cameron didn't want his picture taken, but he had so much fun making this fun treat and was so proud.    Do you see those little eyeballs in the corner peeking up to see what's going on?

Holden gave us his first smiles this month.  Yay!  It's a good thing, because he had been a pretty colicky baby in the evenings.  I guess one out of five babies ain't too bad, but I have the least amount of energy and patience to deal with it.  I did cut out dairy from my diet and that seemed to help.  He was so gassy and throwing up all the time so I knew his tummy was bothering him.  

I know I've said this three million times, but how beautiful is the view from my parents' backyard?  

Look at what a good mom I am!  My children are all sitting quietly coloring pictures.  This happens ALL the time.  HAHAHAHAHA!  

Jaxson was more interested in coloring on the table I think.

Not amused

Oh my goodness we have had the weirdest, wettest, cool summer.  I'm not complaining-I love the cooler weather, but look at all that water.  SO unusual for us in the middle of the summer!

My biggest boy lost his second tooth in Grand Junction.  The tooth fairy was able to find him at Grandma's house.  He was so cute because he totally was gripping the tooth under his pillow in an effort to catch the tooth fairy.  It took "her" like ten minutes to trade out the tooth for money.